The oldest sport: Boxing or Running?


    Humanity has been competing with each other's physical prowess for what feels like the dawn of our species. Many of these sports require not just peak physical condition to compete but a sharp mind as well. However there is little to no debate that Running and boxing are the oldest sports to ever exist. Martial arts Has a long history spanning all the way back to the roman empire, and even longer before that. However the same can be said about running. Humanity has always been running, since the earliest stage of our evolution if we didn't run from predators we may not be here today. 

    The question is; which one is older? I don't think it's that simple, I think the question is when was it first seen as a sport? I say this because, as I said before, humanity has been doing both since our beginning. Referencing the earliest stages of our evolution again when we first stood upright, lesser dominant males would fight the pack leader for the right to mate. It wasn't a sport by any extent, but it was the earliest example of humans fighting against each other. The Next earliest example I can think of comes from the ice age. There are examples of competition among hunters, and the one who caught the best game was seen as superior. They may not have been fighting each other per say, but it was still a competition against each other. The final example of competitive fighting can be found in Chinese martial arts. Chinese martial arts are the worlds earliest forms of organized martial arts. Another example from a similar time is the roman gladiators, which eventually revolutionized the sport worldwide.

While fighting may possibly not be the oldest sport, the fact of the matter is that there is very little evidence to the contrary. Running could've been made first but wasn't documented, but thats just speculation. All the evidence we have points to fighting as the earliest sport known to man.

Source1: discovery channel


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