About Me


    My official name is David W. Napier, but I used to go by 'Wil' in my hometown of Lawrenceville Georgia. I was the 2nd child born on December 24, 2001 to my engineer Dad and stay at home Mom. I graduated at central Gwinnett High school with achievements in both fine arts and academics, taking honors classes and specializing in visual arts. I am currently attending Georgia Gwinnett College but am undecided in my major; so until then I plan on getting my general basic classes out of the way. I am planning on moving in with my girlfriend Tytianna this winter, which I couldn't be more excited about.

    More details about my background, I am a competitive swimmer; or at least I was. I joined the cricket hill cyclones at the early age of 6. I stayed on the team until I was about 12 i think, then dropped swim team until high school when i heard there was a swim team for My school. I was planning on joining the college swim team but then the pandemic happened. I am also a youtuber, though to be fair it's not like I found much success in it and I haven't had time for it ever since college started. However, I do help my friends Aaron & Scarlette on their channel 22nd avenue.


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