Intro to Research paper

David Napier Prof. JoAnne Harris 10/30/2020 The good the bad and the ugly. A classic western film starring Clint Eastwood tells the story of three gunslingers duking it out for gold during a chaotic and vicious war. Many people love that movie, both for Clint Eastwood and for its depiction of pure chaos in a lawless setting. People also hate social media for the same reasons. Not for Clint Eastwood, but for the brutal users gunslinging hateful words at each other, abusing the privilege of a public forum by hiding behind their anonymous screen names. It's driven both politician and pedestrian mad. The pedestrian cries out for change and the politician promises that change will come, however both of them use the platform to promote business and talk to friends, so they do nothing instead; some even going as far as defunding programs of those harmed on the online forums. Meanwhile many lives both young and old are negatively effected, and so...